Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Laughing never hurt my stomach so much - Hairspray Reviews

In the beginning, I thought "Oh, great, it's a full-on musical" after hearing what seemed like an endless song by newcomer Nikki Blonsky. But then, I began to laugh at the little jokes in the song, and the big jokes became even funnier. Most of my laughter was spent on the John Travolta-turned-female quips. Just knowing that there was a man inside that nearly female looking body cracked me up on its own. But maybe I'm just easily pleased. The music was fantastic, even though a lot of them sounded alike. Allison Janney was particularly funny, even in her short roles. Hairspray was a very stereotypical film, but I am all for stereotypical films. They're understandable because they're stereotypes, things that we know are the norm for people. Rated PG, I think 10 and up is a suitable age. Even at that age I don't know if they would understand some of the things that brought Hairspray the PG rating, which is good I guess. Amanda Bynes, being one of my favorite actresses, had her funny parts. I just had to mention her name somewhere. =) Nikki Blonsky was excellent, but for some reason I can't imagine her doing well in any other films. It was like Hairspray was made for her. Hairspray is definitely a movie that I can watch over and over.

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